Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: Tigrex Beatdown!

  I hate you so much Tigrex! Anyone that has read this previous post here can see that I really freaking hate this monster! There are others like it but this one is mine! After having my little brat cousins delete my characters I decided to switch things up a bit! Not once in any of the previous Monster Hunter games have I used a lance or gun lance! So I tried the lance out but it lacked that umph that I was used to with most of the other weapons! Sure it could block but nah and now I decided to main a gun lance! FIA POWAH!

  It made hunting this monster easy enough but at the same time required precise timing because I am not using that talisman with auto guard! Also because if you give Tigrex a chance he will murder you...mercilessly! Just wanted to let you all know,whoever you may be,that I made it out alive and with no carts! I also got to repeatedly put bullets into one of my least favorite monsters...and I'm going to have to do it all again to make his armor and gun lance! Damn...well as usual Happy Hunting and feel free to comment what you thought about the fight against Tigrex or any of the monsters you may dislike! Laters! :D
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