Monster Hunter top 5 most annoying creatures!

  Alright so we have all bumped into that one piece of crap monster that either interrupts us laying that trap or just knocks you from the back while you have your shield up and then you get comboed to death by whatever larger monster you were originally trying to not get hit by! These are the top annoying bastards that you will inevitably find yourself hating and causing you to want to go on a genocide to try and exterminate them from the face of Monster Hunter! Let me list them here for you and see if any of them are spot on!

  Number FIVE is the Delex! These little sand fish,alligator,things are going to get on your nerves really fast! Found in the Dunes area they will snipe you with spit or slash at you with their teeth while you are busy trying to NOT die!

  Number FOUR is the Cephalos! Basically imagine them as being the mini Cephadromes! They are equipped with all the moves including that damned hip check! Just imagine going against a few Plesioths and then add onto that whatever larger monster you are hunting! Fun right?! :D

  Number THREE is the Rhenoplos! Known for charging headlong at you while you are drinking a potion,eating steak,setting a trap,or just minding your own business! They have and will always be an annoying monster and I hope they never make a large version of these brats!

  Number TWO the Bnahabra! These guys pissed me off as a gunner and a bit more as a blademaster! They'll sneak up behind you all quite like and then BAM you either get paralyzed or you get a debuff that reduces your resistance to fire,water,ice or thunder! Fun little guys huh?!

  And number ONE goes to the freaking Konchus! These guys...oh...they are just bastards through and through! They will roll at your face and just screw up whatever it is that you were trying to do and knocking you down in the process! This leaves you open to whatever the hell that monster you were trying to not get hit by has up its sleeve! But wait THERE IS MORE! They also have the ability to latch onto said large monster and completely deflect your attacks! They are little spawns of Satan that are ready to screw you over whenever and however they can!

  What monsters or small creatures do you find overly annoying and wish you could just wipe of the face of Monster Hunter? Feel free to comment below and let me know! :D
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