That one monster!

  Alright every hunter has had that ONE monster that they were stuck on for a few hours or days in my case! Who other than the glorious pickle of a monster! He just won't stop killing me! I tried switching weapons and even went out and upgraded my charge blade up a bit to try and kill him because you know sometimes we do better on certain monsters depending on which weapon we use? Well he still managed to kill me! I have not been able to get past this guy and to make things worse it's in the offline Caravan quests! I will place 80% of the blame on my palicoes! I swear every time I die they decide to play the healing horn! AFTER I AM DEAD! What good is that?! Gah it is so frustrating! So I did what any normal hunter would do...I switched weapons yet again! Went from charge blade,to greatsword,to insect glaive and still no luck! I swear this guy has earned the title of "Devil"!

  I've had trouble with this guy since MH3U! Even then he was a pain in the butt to take down! I thought the pink rathian was a turd no this guy was a pickle of a turd! Monster dung everywhere! It's a love hate relationship though. I love his weapons and armor but I seriously hate him as a monster! Now since I'm on the subject I'm going to talk about one of my favorite monsters! Gotta keep the negative and positive stuff balanced right? My favorite monster is none other than...

Original Artist:imbisibol

  The Stygian Zinogre! Ah I just love this monster no matter how many times I've died at it's MAJESTIC claws! The way it carries itself is just so awesome and the way it attacks just demand respect and awe in any hunter! I've completed his set just because it looks cool and this guy is the one I'm looking forward to bumping into whenever I reach G rank! Not to mention he looks metal as all hell! HELLHOUND! Black with metalic looking spikes and scales make him not only intimidating but awe inspiring! If ever possible I will own a pup Stygian Zinogre and we will be awesome! AWESOME I TELL YOU!

  What about you guys? What's your least favorite monster? Most favorite monster? What about favorite set and weapon from any monster? Leave a comment and stick around for more monster hunter related posts!
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