Screw you Akantor!

Say cheese!

  Ha take that you overgrown horny toad! As you all read in my previous post about Akantor,and if not please do,this guy gave us such a hard time! No matter what we did and no matter how we changed our tactics,weapons,and armor this guy kept taking us down time after time! It wasn't until a few days ago that we started to destroy this guy and allowed me to get my Master Sword! It's a pretty good weapon and the elemental damage is just beautiful! I was pretty happy with my hunting buddies and myself after taking this guy down just because it meant that we got better! Not one cart through the quests!

  I even managed to make his greatsword which looks really cool but leaves a whole bunch to be desired in terms of sharpness...but I'm sure I can make up for it soon! For now it waits impatiently in my equipment box! The amount of affinity is insane on it though and that's a good thing! I tried using the fencing skill but I knew it wasn't doing much damage if any so it will just have to wait!  Now back to climbing the rankings! Also what did you all think about the Akantor event quest? Did it give you any trouble or was it a cake walk? Feel free to tell us and please share if you enjoy any of the articles and like our facebook page! :D
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