This elder dragon was such a pain in the butt! I did not know,or maybe I did but I refuse to accept the blame,that he would be surrounding in a swirling vortex of wind that later intensified and turned into a storm gust! Took this monster on with +Jason Akrong and let me tell you this...we had trouble getting hits on this guy! We would get so close to it only to be met with winds pushing us back and letting the Kushala Daora land a few hits! It was pretty frustrating but we managed to get the hang of it! We started measuring our attacks and landing them while maintaining a distance to where we couldn't get pushed back! Took us a while and a few bruises here and there but once we got it down we brought down the beast easily! We should have probably brought a few flash bombs and used those to knock it out of the sky like I do to the rathian and rathalos that seem to love the sky! LOVE IT! But we succeeded and I must say I'm fairly proud of this hunt!
None of us got carted and we pulled together and took it down for an epic win! I am considering farming this guy for his weapon but for now I want to hit G rank and get to those nice one hit kos that I've heard so much about! Especially Apex Rajang! Took him on during the caravan quests but he wasn't much of a problem! Annoying if anything but now a problem at all. I'm also hoping that I get to make my first g rank set and get that upgraded so I don't get hit as hard as I think I probably am! I know it's still gonna hurt to get hit but hey like the below video makes clear....DODGE!
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