Broke hunter?Not for long!
4:27 PM
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monster hunter zenny tips
We all dream of epic weapons and armor and decorating the hell out of them! But when does it become too much? When do we stop paying for our Palicoes food and even our rent just to get our armor upgraded a little more or upgrade our weapon to the next level? Alright all of that is a bit of an exaggeration but the point is...I'm broke! I'm also pretty sure that there are other hunters out there that are also broke and what's a hunter to do right? I had my friend picking up the quests we needed for a while until I got enough and then went broke again when I crafted the Tigrex armor! I sold a few lightcrystals that I had and got sixteen-thousand zenny but that's mostly gone now as well because UPGRADES!
For any hunter out there that's really broke and really desperate for zenny I have one easy solution for you! Sell your frenzy shards and crytals! Shards sell for one thousand zenny while the crystals sell for two thousand! This will be enough to feed your addiction of upgrading and crafting different weapons and armor sets for a while and at the same time they aren't that difficult to get! Especially if you do an online quest where you have to hunt two frenzied monsters! You'll get around two to three crystals and maybe a shard or two instead! That's an easy two thousand to four thousand bonus zenny added to your reward! Gets you out of a tight spot it does plus if you find a quest that's easy and can be cleared in about five minutes then you'll be having enough to get you the next few upgrades before you go broke again! Right now though...I'm outta crystals and shards...and I'm broke! What zenny making tips do you have for your fellow hunters? As always happy hunting!
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