Now one of the things that people should start considering is that if your health is really low,the monster is enraged,and you want to use a potion...GO TO A DIFFERENT AREA! Not ONE monster in this game lacks the mobility to get from halfway across the map to wherever the hell you are! They can all basically do that or shoot a laser that will make it so whatever health you gained from said potion is destroyed or you get carted! We won't laugh at you for going off to do whatever you need to do as long is it's stopping us from failing the quest or you from getting carted! If anything we think you're a smart person for using your brain and common sense! If you are under the impression that we will run out of time well THINK AGAIN! There are four capable hunters each doing everything humanly possible to take down the beast and you being gone for five seconds...won't really ruin much of anything!
Honestly why would you want to be vulnerable near THIS?!
If you get carted because a monster has you trapped in a corner okay fine! That's acceptable right? There are monsters in this game that will just destroy you if they get the chance! Take the Tigrex and Pink Rathian that I despise so much as examples! But that's not really your fault is it? Shit happens but here is the point of all this...if you can PREVENT getting carted by simply going to a different area and doing your healing and potion drinking and stuff why would you stay in the same area with the monster that wants to kill you? Kinda putting this rant/post/tip out there for any hunters who don't do this! It's a good practice to start doing plus you get to keep your health bar all the way to the top because not everyone makes or has max or ancient potions! Happy hunting! :D
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