League of Legends:Viktor but not Viktorious!
12:33 AM
is viktor good in league of legends
league of legends
lol viktor ap
one shot with viktor
viktor op
Alright as you can see here I didn't do as bad as my other companions! I was actually always getting kills and helping gank other lanes once I started killing mid lane Yasuo! It was all fine until Leblanc started getting fed horribly by bottom lane! I could easily kill her but she could do the same to me! If my flash wasn't up it was basically gg once she engaged! We managed to push all the lanes to the inhibitor but once we tried to go into siege they would instantly shut us down! It was fine though...I found out that I am a decent mid laner with Viktor and that's nice considering that I was basically stuck playing jungle or support Maokai! It's fun but when your adc is busy auto attacking minions while you're setting up a kill for them...it isn't as fun! This wasn't a bad loss it was even towards late game which is fine. We went down fighting!
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